This week [Feb 28th, 2018] I caught my 240th shiny Pokemon. Not a bad return for someone who has only been playing the game for 9 months. Some Pokemon trainers focus on completing their dex. Some are passionate about collecting 100IV mons. This article is for all Pokemon trainers who enjoy nothing more than the thrill of finding shinies. It contains tips and strategies that will increase your chances of encountering and capturing the sparkly stuff. Disclaimer: The post also refers to the use of GPS tools to move location in Pokemon Go. And to multi-accounting. Both practices breach PoGo's Terms of Service and may result in a temporary ban. Which Pokemon are shiny? The code for shiny versions of all Pokemon is currently embedded in the game. That does NOT mean that they are all catchable … yet. Niantic will decide when to ‘flick the switch’ on any particular Pokemon and make its shiny version available. Today (Feb 2018) we can obtain shiny versions of the followin...